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The Nonprofit

Worthwhile Talent, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that facilitates community exchange, connection-building, and service work that directly benefits disadvantaged residents while enriching the lives
of all Talentonians.

What We're Focused on Right Now


Worthwhile Mercantile - a truly affordable secondhand shop that is also the headquarters of the Community Exchange, the Talent Period Dignity Project, and all the other programs we have in the hopper!  We are currently seeking a retail location near downtown Talent and submitting proposals for funding to help with rent, equipment, signage, and other launch costs. 


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The Talent Period Dignity Project aims to eliminate period poverty in Talent by making menstrual supplies accessible to anyone who needs them.  We strongly believe that everyone deserves the right to manage their period with dignity.

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Programs in the Queue

With the types of projects we're planning, we think we'll be able to create something really cool that helps local residents connect and meaningfully improve their lives.  But we also hope our programming inspires a strong culture of service, generosity, and reciprocity in Talent.​


Here's a peek into the kind of stuff Worthwhile is planning:


  • Community Secondhand Exchange

  • Neighborhood Message Boards

  • Pantry Box Home Delivery

  • Sidewalk Pantries

  • Shopping & Errand Rideshares

  • Senior Visits

  • Help Needed/Offered

  • Tool & Equipment Lending Library

  • Garden Space/Work Share

  • School Supply Sponsorship

  • ​Dog Walking & Pet Care


Many of these projects are being planned for the Community Exchange once the Mercantile storefront is up and running, but a handful of them are things we might be able to do without the shop fully operational.  Independent micro-programs, if you will. Why wait on what we can start now?


If you have any ideas for a project or small program that seems like it would be a good fit for the Worthwhile umbrella please reach out! We'd love to hear all about it and figure out if we can turn your brilliant ideas into a reality.



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